Monday, 17 September 2012

Happy Monday

Less than two weeks before the DD101 module website opens. I'm still see-sawing between not wanting to do any 'proper' work and cracking on a bit to get some work 'in the bank'. I think I'm going to make a compromise and do as much of the background reading as I can, listen to the audio CD's, watch the DVD's and keep up with the organisation and prep work.

I have 2 x 2 hour chunks of time set aside for study today with a quick school run in the middle to collect my 3yr old.

 To Do List.

  • Organise my OU Google Calendar with a study plan of my available study time. I'm going to input the data from the module map once the DD1010 website is live. 
  • After last week's dire attempt at note taking, today I'm going to work on that a bit. I have the Good Study Guide and I'm going to read through and do the exercises on note taking. I don't think there's much that can be done with my handwriting other than practise, I'll just have to re-write any scribbled notes into something legible for now
  • Continue with Learning Companion 1

Will come back to this later.

Thursday, 13 September 2012


Hello! I'm Dawn, 30-something married mother of two. I've got a couple of other blogs around for cooking and gardening but now I've got a new study addiction and I'm going to use this blog to focus on that. I'm going to use this for general blog posts and maybe as a bit of a reflection diary too.

I am studying an Open BA Hons degree with the Open University. My first module starts in October and is DD101 - Introduction to Social Sciences, I have another module starting in February which will overlap a little. A bit of pressure is good for my work ethic ;)

Since registering on DD101 I've been brushing up some dusty skills with The Good Study Guide and working my way through the study skills section on Student Home. I am just hoping that my brain gets the hang of this learning thing.

I was intending to wait till the module website opens on the 27th to make a start on the material, but I made the decision yesterday to up my points to 120 this academic year by taking W100 - Rules, rights and justice: an introduction to law in February so wanted to try and make a bit of a head-start on at least understanding what I need to do for TMA01.

So todays To Do list
  • Start reading the Learning Companion 1 Week 1 section and following the activities.
  • Try and find a productive way to organise my time and surroundings in order to study.
  • Practise taking effective (and readable!) notes and filing them efficiently so I can find them again.
  • Set up this blog - ta da ;)

Progress and reflections so far
Have read pages 5-26, watched the DVD where requested and made notes. Have completed activity 1 and will work on activity 2 this evening after taking a break.

My note taking seems to be a bit over the top, I need to work on making more efficient notes. Also my handwriting is struggling to stay legible due to disuse, hopefully this will change in time.